Freitag, 6. Januar 2017

GTA 5 - Pistol Stats - Damage per Minute - Damage per Second

The Spreadsheet used in the Youtube Video. Sorted by damage per minute /w reload.
pistol damage spreadsheet
Pistol Spreadsheet - Damage, Fire Rate, Reload Time

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016

GTA V - Actual Fire Rate - Measured Fire Rate - Accurate Fire Rate

Actual fire-rate spreadsheet for Grand Theft Auto 5 Online. 

I did these testings while online, not in single player.
The Micro SMG fires around 10% faster in a car than on foot, while the machine pistol is actually slower when fired from the inside of a vehicle.
Who knows what the purpose of this was, probably just a R* dev screwing with us.

Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2016

GTA 5 in-depth weapon stats alpha version

First draft of my spreadsheet for the different weapon stats in GTA 5.

Includes damage, range, lock-on range, damage fall-off, accuracy and spread, recoil, damage modifier, reload modifier, fire rate (which is innacurate which is misleading and needs in-game testing) and the HUD (Ingame-Stats).

Also included is a check-list if a gun can be equipped in a car or on a bike.

Lot's of work still lies ahead.
Weapon Stats Spreadsheet - Table 1A
Pistols, SMG, Rifles, MG

Weapon Stats Spreadsheet - Table 1B
Pistols, SMG, Rifles, MG

Weapon Stats Spreadsheet - Table 2A
Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Heavy Weapons, Vehicle Weapons

Weapon Stats Spreadsheet - Table 2B
Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Heavy Weapons, Vehicle Weapons